
I Myspace therefore I am

As I have indicated in an earlier post when it comes to technology I am a member of the wait-and-see tribe. My tribe generally keeps an eye out for the new electronic whosits and thingamajigs. However, instead of running out and buying into the latest gold knob, I wait to see if it will significant change life as we know for the better. I also wait till it's cheaper, because I'm a lowly library assistant/book store slave.
In this regard I now must admit that I have kept my eye on the development of social interconnectivity sites on the world wide web. It has become obvious to me that Myspace and Facebook are here to stay. While I still favor face-to-face interactions, it is clear that young adults, or first-time adopters, are using this resource for good and ill.
Due to this fact, this resource needs to be harnessed and used by the library for good. I was impressed most by the Denver Public Libraries Myspace page. This page includes information about programs, patron interaction, blogs, and a direct connection to the catalog. It is an informative and useful site for any patron, but especially for young adults. This is a good example for SLCPL to emulate IMHO.
Of course their are harmful social implications. But as someone who has seen technology evolve continuously I know this to be a fact: The moment that capitalistic interests collide with cultural phenomenons is the beginning of the end. Remember when everyone was doing web pages, message boards, and Mudd gaming? Yeah so do I. Just wait, the next new thing will come along and replace Myspace/Facebook like sites. I'm right. You'll see.
Until then continue on in Virtual Life. Book Slave

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