
How Stephen King saved my teenage years

Here we are folks. I hope y'all watched the debate tonight. I did and I thought moderator Gwen Ifill did a great job. So I attended The Hard Boiled Book Club on Tuesday night and had a good time. There is a smart core group there and a very thoughtful moderator/leader in Zach Sampinos. I'll be attending again next month. To find out more about it, click here.

Let's walk again down memory lane with a theme that I think fits the month of October.

Life Changing Reads: Stephen King Edition

1. Carrie-Beginning in seventh grade I was thrust into a social situation that was akin to the horrible treatment of Carrie White. It's no shock then that I devoured this book after picking it up at Sprague library. I had heard of the movie before, but I'm not really a horror fan, so I had not seen it. I think it was the cover with it's drawing of a brown hair teen against a black background. That cover and the name Stephen King drew me in and I was hooked. I'm sure it didn't help my social identity to be sitting by myself reading Carrie, again, but I did not care. I was so enamoured with the book that I sought out all the different editions at book sales.

2. It-I picked this up when I was in 8th grade. At first I was daunted by the size (over a thousand pages!) but I became caught up in the challenge. I could take this on! And I did. Finished the book in 10 days, basically ignoring the rest of the world. It was the outsider characters that captured me in this book. I saw a little piece of myself in every member of the Loser's Club. And I'm afraid of clowns.

3. The Talisman-This story is more fantastical than I usually go for. However at it's center is a great heroes journey tale that I enjoyed immensely. Again another long one but in this case I think that it's all about the picaresque characters along the way. Especially Wolf. I read this the summer after 8th grade. I had read the first chapter sitting in the Barnes and Nobel out in Sugar House. Now this was the old school B & N that was in the same complex as Shopko and the dollar movie theater. This was the first B & N store in our area. I would wander around looking at books and mags but I had no money. After reading the first chapter I had to have that paperback. I begged my mom for 10 bucks so I could get it and she caved.

Have a great weekend! Book Slave.

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