
One Year Past

And here we are in 2009. Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a safe fun merry entry into the new year. I had a good time, I tell you we librarians can party it down. (And I've got the pictures to prove it.)

A One Year Blogaversary
If you pay attention to dates then you'd notice that I started this blog exactly one year ago today. I had thought about writing a blog before but like journal writing I had a tough time seeing the point. Just didn't see anything about my mundane life that would be interesting to the outside world.

So how did we get here you ask. Well I was watching CNN on New Years Eve 2007. It was like watching a train wreck being hosted by Kathy Griffen and Anderson Cooper. Now I'll admit here that I like Anderson Cooper, he's definitely my favorite news reporter. However it was painful watching him having to put up with Griffen. Why does CNN torture him so? I was thinking as I watched.

At the same time I had been looking around and noticing the insane amount of TBR books that were piling up around me. I needed some kind of self-motivater to get these books done with.

So there I was sitting there watching the ball drop. And they were talking about New Year Resolutions. I'm not very big on resolutions, but I do like to set goals even if their small. Cooper when asked said that he wanted to blog more. That's when I had an epiphany. I had two goals, read more, and try blogging. A Book blog seemed to be a way to accomplish both.

I am still amazed that there are those that read my words here, but again I am grateful that anyone does. Well to the small group of readers out there I'm looking forward to 2009.

Some Stats to Ponder
So Let's do a stat rundown for 2008.

Original Goal=52 books
Actual Books Read=90 books

So quite successful on that front I'd say.

Graphic novels=55

Obviously I enjoy the books with pictures and word balloons. Maybe next year I'll read some more fiction. I do need to crack into the sci-fi genre (spaceships rather than capes) since that's what many of my patrons/customers ask about for reccomends.

Most books in one month: December (15)
Least books in one month: July (5)

So it looks like I kicked it into gear at the end of year. Probably because I had 6 days off at the end of the year.

Let's see what happens in 2009 folks. Have a great weekend! Book Pusher.

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